Visitor parking is available in the Rivers Street Parking Deck for vehicles registered with the ParkMobile app.
Rivers Street Parking Deck Fees
30 minutes or less No Charge
31 minutes – 1.5 hours $5
1.5hour – 2.5 hours $10
2.5 hours– 3.5 hours $15
3.5 hours - closing $20
Daily maximum per vehicle exit per day $20
ParkMobile app
Visitors must prepay, upon arrival, for parking using the ParkMobile app. Once you register your account, select the Rivers Street Parking Deck (zone 25443) as your location. Registered users will receive notifications on a mobile device when time is expiring and can add more time directly to the ParkMobile app as needed. Payments through ParkMobile are nonrefundable
Campus Tour Parking
Parking for campus tours is located in the Holmes Drive Parking Deck. Please follow the instructions provided by the Office of Admissions. For questions, call 828-262-2120 or email
Departmental Permits
Departments can purchase permits for invited guests or visitors. These one-day parking permits are for the exclusive use of visitors, and may NOT be used by faculty, staff or students. Visitor permits are valid only in surface lots, NOT in parking decks. If a department is in need of parking in the parking decks, you will need to contact Parking and Transportation at 828-262-2878.
Contractors & Vendors
Contractors and vendors may obtain short-term or long-term parking permits for vehicles. Reserved parking areas are also available for construction staging.
Learn more about permit options and construction staging areas.