Student Parking

Boone Campus parking permits

Standard parking permits held by App State students are valid 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the exception of football game days.

  • Motorcycle permits are required for students who want to park a motorcycle on the Boone campus during the hours of 7 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • No permit is required to park on campus between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. on weekdays or on weekends, except for football game days and other special events. 
  • Need to add or change a vehicle?  Please contact us at 828-262-2878 or email us a and we will be happy to assist.

Game Day parking restrictions

All main Boone campus parking areas are restricted on the dates of home football games.

Even if you have a permit for a particular lot, you must move your vehicle to a designated remote parking area. Visit Game Day Parking for Students for details.

Hickory Campus parking permits

If you are taking classes exclusively at the Hickory campus:

  • Register for Hickory campus parking at the Campus Services Express Desk in the first-floor lobby of App State's Hickory campus — the fee is waived for 2024-25. Unregistered vehicles are subject to ticketing.  
  • Hickory campus permits are not valid on the Boone campus.

If you are taking classes at both the Boone and Hickory campuses or will need to travel to the Boone campus between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays:

  • Boone Campus permits are valid on the Hickory Campus — you do not need to register for an additional Hickory campus permit.
  • Students should purchase visitor parking when on the Boone campus or a Boone campus permit.
  • No permit is required to park on Boone campus between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. on weekdays or on weekends, except for football game days and other special events.
  • See the Student Parking Registration and Boone Campus Student Parking Options sections for additional details and registration instructions. 

2024-25 Permits Valid Aug.16, 2024–Aug. 15, 2025

Your license plate is your permit and must be visible for scanning.

  • Because license plates must be scannable, backing into parking spaces and pulling through spaces are not permitted and will result in a citation.
    • However, those who wish to back into and/or pull through parking spaces must purchase a front vanity plate from the Parking Office — the cost is $15.
  • When registering for parking, ensure that the license plate number is accurate for the car that will be parked on campus.
Vanity Plates

Students or employees who wish to back into and/or pull through parking spaces must purchase a front vanity plate from the Parking Office — the cost is $15.

Student Parking Registration

Student parking registration access dates are based on the number of completed credit hours a student has obtained as determined by the Office of the Registrar.

Incoming students should submit all official transcripts in advance of their parking registration date if those transfer credits will change their class credit level.

Graduate Students Monday, July 8, 2024 at 10 a.m.
Seniors (90+hrs)Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 10 a.m.
Juniors (60 - 89 hrs)Monday, July 15, 2024 at 10 a.m.
Sophomores (30-59 hrs)Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 10 a.m.
Freshmen (0-29 hrs)Monday, July 22, 2024 at 10 a.m.

Purchasing a Student Parking Permit

Gather the following information before you begin your online registration:

  • App State username and password
  • Vehicle make, model and year
  • License plate number
  • Permit type you wish to purchase

Online Parking Registration Instructions (Boone campus only)

  1. Log into Self-Service, then select the Student tab and Student Self-Service tab. This will open a new Student Services page where you can access the Parking Registration System.
  2. Click on Order Permits from the menu at the bottom of the page.
  3. Agree to the Terms of Service (PDF).
  4. Select permit. You may register for one parking permit. Once a permit type is selected, the system will reserve it for fifteen minutes. 
  5. Click Add Vehicle and enter vehicle information or select the vehicles you want to add to your permit if they auto-populate from your permit last year.
  6. Ensure that the license plate number is accurate for the car that will be parked on campus. Your license plate will be your permit.
  7. Click Confirm in the bottom right corner, then click the red Add Permit to Cart button in the bottom right corner to proceed. 
  8. Enter your Contact Information and click the black Checkout button in the bottom right corner.
  9. After checkout, you will receive a confirmation email of your registration by the end of the business day. Keep a copy of this confirmation for your records.

RA Parking Permits

Please provide your vehicle information to Housing for RA and RD parking permits.  We will work directly with Housing to set up these permits.  

Is your first choice sold out? 

Join the waiting list, and register for a different type of permit in the meantime.

Boone Campus Student Parking Options

The following Boone campus lots are available to students based on eligibility. 

Please note that lots sell out quickly and a specific lot may no longer be available when your parking registration opens (based on credit hours). View the interactive campus map for Boone Campus parking locations available to students.

Key: FR - Freshmen | SO - Sophomore | JR - Junior | SR - Senior | GR - Graduate Student 

Boone Campus Standard Permits

Boone campus standard parking permits are valid 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the exception of football game days.

Satellite Lots



Eligible Students

Primary Lot

Secondary Lot

Appalachian 105
6 minutes to main campus via AppalCART's Silver and 105 Shuttle routes



Appalachian 105


State Farm
10 minutes to main campus via AppalCART's Gray, Green, and State Farm Shuttle routes



State Farm

Appalachian 105

Mountain Laurel
3 minutes to main campus via AppalCART's Express, Pink, Purple, and Silver routes


Residents of Mountain Laurel only

Mountain Laurel

Appalachian 105, State Farm, University Hall

Main Campus Lots



Eligible Students

Primary Lot

Secondary Lot

Greenwood / South



Greenwood / South

Appalachian 105, State Farm

Hill Street



Hill Street

Appalachian 105, State Farm

Blue Ridge Parking District



Blue Ridge Deck, Blue Ridge Lot, Stadium Heights

Appalachian 105, State Farm

Rivers Street Parking Deck



Rivers Street Deck

Appalachian 105, State Farm

Appalachian Heights


Residents of Appalachian Heights only

Appalachian Heights

Appalachian 105, State Farm

Holmes Drive Parking Deck


SO, JR, SR, GR                                               

Holmes Drive Parking Deck                                              

Appalachian 105, State Farm

Boone Campus Motorcycle Permits

New for 2024-25: Boone campus motorcycle permits are required for students who want to park a motorcycle on the Boone campus during the hours of 7 a.m.– 5p.m., Monday through Friday.

PermitFeeEligible Students 
Motorcycle$120FR, SO, JR, SR, GR — not available to purchase online 

Interested in purchasing a motorcycle permit?

Online registration is not available. Beginning Aug. 1, register in person by visiting:

Please bring the following information with you:

  • AppCard
  • Vehicle make, model and year
  • License plate number
  • Registration card and proof of insurance

Payment and Refunds


  • Parking registration fees will be charged to the student account and may take up to several days to appear. 
  • Students can pay online via AppalNet or in person at the Student Accounts cashier window.

Refund Policies

  • Prorated refunds will be issued for any student parking registration canceled in writing before March 31, 2025.

  • Senior-level students who will only need parking for the fall semester can return their permit at the end of the semester in December for a pro-rated refund.

Offset your emissions with App State’s Carbon Neutral Commuter program

App State’s Office of Sustainability offers a Carbon Neutral Commuter program for students who would like to offset their travel emissions. For only $10 a year, you can offset your commute to campus. Learn more and register now!