Parking permit regulations are enforced from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Signs are posted at the entrance to each parking lot. Citations for illegally parked vehicles can be issued either electronically or physically.
Other regulations such as ADA parking, fine lanes and no parking zones are enforced at all times. Regulatory signs are posted.
Student citations will not be charged to the student account until the fourteen-day appeal window has closed. Once the appeal window has closed, or the appeal has been ruled on, students can pay their citations online via their Appalnet account. Appeals can be entered online via the Appalnet account.
Faculty & Staff
All faculty and staff citation charges will be deducted from the employee's payroll after the fourteen-day appeal window has closed. Appeals can be entered online via the Appalnet account.
Appealing Your Citation
All students and employees are welcome to enter an appeal for any citation received within fourteen days of the citations issued date. An appeals hearing officer will review and rule on appeals in the order in which they were received. This process generally takes two to four weeks after the appeal is submitted, but may take longer according to the appeals hearings officer's schedule. Appeals can be entered online via the Appalnet account.
As a courtesy, we waive one citation per person during their visit to our campus. Visitors who received citations during their visit should either mail or bring to our office a copy of the citation, their vehicle registration, and their driver's license. Once we have recorded this information, we will gladly waive the citation for you. After the first citations, all campus visitors can pay citation fees on the second floor of the John E. Thomas (JET) building at the student accounts counter.
Towing & Immobilization
The university reserves the right to tow vehicles from campus property for violations, as listed in the Parking and Traffic Regulations manual. When feasible, the University Parking and Traffic Department may immobilize vehicles in lieu of towing. The vehicle operator will be required to report to the University Parking and Traffic Department to obtain the release of the vehicle. Failure to report to the University Parking and Traffic Department prior to 11:00 p.m. on the date of immobilization may result in the vehicle being towed off campus at the owner's expense.
All towing is done by a private company, Hamptons Body Shop Inc. (828) 264-3924, at the request of the Parking and Traffic Department.
All fees associated with the towing and storage of a vehicle is the responsibility of the vehicle owner or operator. In the event that the operator of the vehicle to be towed arrives at the tow scene prior or subsequent to the tow truck, but prior to actual towing, such operator may be required to pay a service fee to the tow truck driver.
Violations & Fines
Full towing policy, violations and parking fines can be found in the Parking and Traffic Regulations manual.
Upon receiving ten parking violations, a person may lose the privilege to park on the campus for the remainder of the academic year. Vehicles in violation may be immobilized or towed at the owner's expense. Persons who lose their parking privileges are not eligible for refunds. If you add a vehicle to your account, you are responsible for any citations received on that vehicle.